Domestic Goddesses

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

For Roe's Closet...

So here's what I'm thinking for your closet...

Step 1, take everything out of there... all of it...

Step 2, put in a modular shelf that will fit the dimensions of your closet. Nothing you have to actually install, just an inexpensive unit that you can get at Home Depot, or Target. The key here is getting stuff on levels that you can access rather than have to take everything out of the closet to get to something at the bottom. This way, it's lifted, and organized. I put one of these in my storage space, and it made a huge difference.

Step 4, get some tubs or bins that you can organize stuff into. Cute little baskets, and boxes you can also find at target, or ikea, or the container store.

Step 5, start putting it back in there neat and tidy, and on the way trash anything you haven't seen in two years...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Passive Aggression, Spring-Cleaning Style

It ain't Martha, but it works. I decided that instead of tackling my wee kitchen, to do something completely different and start on my linen closet - yes, I know you should never start with your closets because no one can see those. Call it passive-aggression, but it works for me. I always feel like I've accomplished something if I get a closet done.

This is, sadly, organized for this closet. It's piles and piles of sheets, not to mention some storage. And I threw some stuff out, which is always good since I have awful packrat tendencies. (I will too make a quilt out of Will's and Alex's old baby blankets!)

And then, there's the bottom of the closet. While it pains me to go there, I must... brace yourselves.

There's nowhere else to put the shopping cart, but that's apparently the least of my worries. I've got to get in there. I've got to get some of those plastic cubes or something, because this just looks like I don't know what. Yikes.

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Friday, May 18, 2007


Okay, so the title of this post is a little misleading. I think it's more like Baby Steps...

I've started to work on my bedroom and do a little bit of Slash and Burn (not literally).

I took a ton of clothes out of my closet and off the shelves this week, some of it was trash, like ratty old tank tops, and shirts with holes in them. Some of it went into bags to be dropped off at the donation center.

I always think, I should itemize this stuff and get a receipt and write it off. Do any of you do that?

My closet is looking more spacious already.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's 9:05. Do you know where your fabric is?

No, I haven't brewed coffee or gotten dinner yet.

I can't get that awesome fabric from the other day's journey to Rag Shop out of my mind. Think I can get Mike and the kids in the car, have them drive me to College Point, and I'll take my chances on whether or not the cleaning crew is there and will let me in to cut my own fabric, leave some cash for it, and come home?

Me neither. Damn. I'm really jonesing to make some dishtowels now. I'm also jazzed to try my hand at these cute sugar cookie potholders from Uncommon Threads.

Okay, my stomach is growling, let me go forage.

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I'm Hungry

It's nearing grocery shopping time and the cupboard isn't bare, but there never seems to be any ingredients I need to make anything. I'm somehow always one or two key ingredients short. WTF?

I had everything to make black bean soup, for instance - except for the black beans. For a change, I had a nice, ripe banana for the banana muffins, but alas, no ricotta cheese (no buttermilk either, but I can use a substitute for that). It's 8:55 and I have yet to eat dinner. Should I just pry open a can of chickpeas, pour some tahini on it and call it a night?

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Okay... the beginning stages...

Skipping the work that needs to be done in my wee kitchen, I turned to something slightly easier. I put up new curtains in one of my living room windows. Yes, you read that right; I have two windows, but only enough pin hooks for one set of panels. I'll run to the store tomorrow and get another bag for the other window. But wow, what a difference - the light, sheer crocheted (not handmade by me) type of textile lets so much light in, it's unbelievable.

Does anyone else have a problem with your windowsills having the paint just crack and splinter like crazy? I attacked my sills with a scraper today, and got most of the living room ones right down to the metal. I just know that if the apartment gets painted, like I want, they'll just paint over that split, cracked paint and the problem will just resurface in no time. I want to paint it over with a coat of Rust-o-leum, and then let them come in and do their thing. Maybe it'll help. Anyone have any ideas?

The sofa seriously needs some protection from my children and my coffee. But it's a sectional - anyone handy with making slipcovers for a sectional that they want to share? I have a denim slipcover from my last sofa, which I have to dig out and see if I can make it work on at least half of the sectional. Perhaps with some ingenious pinning? Anyone?

I want a bright, clean (well... as clean as I can get) space for the summer in my living room. I've got to give the area rug a complete scrubbing, but the floors are in good shape. I think I'll shanghai Stacey into spending a day here with me and coming up with some toy storage solutions and stuff like that. Come on, Stacey. You know you want to. I own all six seasons of Sex & The City... I'll help you refinish your floors...

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Monday, May 14, 2007


I hear ya Roe, I don't know how on earth we humans that dwell in NYC apartments are supposed to remodel in any sort of efficient way.

For instance the floor in my hallways is in desperate need of refinishing, but I can't have that done, because refinishing my floors would essentially necessitate me moving all of my crap out of the way. Well, with no garage, basement or yard, where exactly are we supposed to move everything to do such important and neglected tasks?

A how to guide would be helpful...

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A Wee Rant...

Okay - how many of you have bought a book on remaking your apartment (or your house, whatever), looked at it, and said, "HTF (how the... fill in the blank) does this apply to my freaking place?" I've had this one apartment book for almost a decade; every couple of years, I pull it off the shelf, dust it off, and try one more time, only to shut it in utter disgust because I think the pictures are lovely but cannot for the life of me figure out how to apply any of these things to my chaotic home. I have two kids, sure, but the big issue is that I LIVE in my apartment. It's not a museum piece. Is there a book, a magazine, a website, ANYTHING out there that describes how to make your home cooler, hipper, more organized, whatever - but for people who DON'T live in issues of Architectural Digest or House Beautiful? Or do I just need to figure this out and write the first darned book on it myself?

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In Which Roe Wanders Craft Stores Aimlessly, Searching for Inspiration...

I was at Rag Shop yesterday and saw the cutest fabric - and it was totally in line with what I want in the kitchen!! It was a canvas-type fabric, $7.99 a yard, and looked almost exactly like that Corelle "Rola" pattern on a turquoise background. I think I need to go back, buy a yard, and make some tea towels. Maybe get some cute grosgrain ribbon in brown or green to trim the bottoms. And threaten my husband's life if he ever uses them to clean up - I can't tell you how many cute tea towels are irrevocably ruined thanks to this... this is why my cute Target tea towels - the towels that are indeed, the inspiration for this whole remodeling initiative - are still in my linen closet, unused.

Here, just scanned the tea towel - how cute is this? The colors aren't too overpowering for a small kitchen, are they?

Yay for coffee!!!!
Creative Juice has a great idea, making clipboards for various projects, and I'm debating on putting one together for each room I want to work on. But then I'm afraid it'll just end up a mass of paper and scraps of fabric thrown on yet another pile that falls down whenever I reach for something. And since I'm desperate to get RID of things and DECREASE mess, I just don't want to face that. Ah hell, I'll save it to my ever-increasing Project Box on the site and hold onto it... just in case...

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Operation: Kitchen Remodel, Planning Phase

I've decided I need to make over my kitchen. Because it's small and I loathe it. I've got buggery peeling linoleum tile on the floor that I just want to attack with a claw hammer and the wall by my stove is just awful with cooked-in crap. I try to scrub it, and the paint comes off (thanks, Home Depot).

It's a very happy yellow with country blue doors. And no storage. I don't have any counter space, which is death to someone who loves to cook and bake. I need a remodel.

Mike got me these awesome coffee towels - yes, I'm considering a remodel of my kitchen based on towels - haven't you seen that Lowe's commercial? - that are a turquoise and brown. I love that color pattern, it looks so good together! And then, I saw this new Corelle pattern - Rola - and it was decided.

I shall paint my kitchen the blue/turquoise, and the cabinet doors that brown/more like a latte. And I need this Corelle set. Let the games begin!
I think I'm going to put clear Contact paper on the walls to the left and in back of the stove, though. It's seriously nasty.

Photo-chronicling will follow...

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It's so wee... help!

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My wee kitchen... tragic, n'est pas?

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Where, oh where is the counter space?

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