Domestic Goddesses

Monday, May 14, 2007

A Wee Rant...

Okay - how many of you have bought a book on remaking your apartment (or your house, whatever), looked at it, and said, "HTF (how the... fill in the blank) does this apply to my freaking place?" I've had this one apartment book for almost a decade; every couple of years, I pull it off the shelf, dust it off, and try one more time, only to shut it in utter disgust because I think the pictures are lovely but cannot for the life of me figure out how to apply any of these things to my chaotic home. I have two kids, sure, but the big issue is that I LIVE in my apartment. It's not a museum piece. Is there a book, a magazine, a website, ANYTHING out there that describes how to make your home cooler, hipper, more organized, whatever - but for people who DON'T live in issues of Architectural Digest or House Beautiful? Or do I just need to figure this out and write the first darned book on it myself?

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