Domestic Goddesses

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Holiday Cookies!

Hello everyone!  This is my first post since joining the Goddesses ;)
I've followed it from nearly the beginning ever since Roe told me about it and love the recipes, tips and fantastic finds that have been posted here.

I love to bake especially during the Holidays.  I usually make sugar cookies, gingerbread men, and some new fancy cookie I've never made before.  I have this old-timey cookie cook book that has about 20 cookie recipes including the gingerbread men and sugar cookies.  I've probably tried about 6 of them - almost done!  

Anyway, here's the sugar cookie recipe plus a photo of one of the trays I made.  Some differences from past years:
1.  I don't decorate.  Love to bake - love the whole process but my attention span and patience does wear out so decorating with icing has never really happened with me.  I actually took the time to do it this year and had so much fun!  I think it came out pretty darn good - even though it looks like a 12 year old did them!  Hahaha.
2.  I didn't use the fancy-schmancy gingerbread recipe from my "Classic Holiday Cookies" book that I have used in the past - which I now realized I should've.  Oh well, next year.

Here's the recipe for the sugar cookies:
1 c. butter or margarine softened
3/4 c. sugar
1 egg
2 c. all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Step 1:  mix the butter and sugar until creamy.  Add the egg and beat until fluffy.
Step 2:  stir the dry ingrediants together and add slowly to the batter.
Step 3:  Form the dough into 2 flat round discs in plastic wrap and store in the fridge until firm (2 hrs minimum or overnight)
Step 4:  Preheat oven to 350 F
Step 5:  Roll out discs to 1/4 inch thickness on lightly floured surface and use any cutout you like.
Step 6:  bake for 7-10 minutes or until lightly golden on ungreased cookie sheets.

Pros:  Easy
           LOVE the cinnamon - adds a bit more flavor and "specialness" to the cookie

Cons:  Dough was super sticky!  It never really firmed and I had to use a lot of flour to prevent sticking on my rolling pin and board.

Over all, it caused more of a headache than necessary.  I'll go to the fancy cookbook next time ;)

The other cookies in the photo are gingerbread men and chocolate dipped orange log cookies.


  • These look tasty! I only baked easter cookies for New Years this year...

    I'm feeling like baking a cake though...

    By Blogger Stacey, At 10:29 AM  

  • OMG... those look SO good. Save some for Sweeney Todd? ;-)

    By Blogger Roe, At 11:58 AM  

  • Thank you!

    Sadly there aren't any more. However, depending when we go I may want to make some more ;)

    By Blogger P, At 12:14 PM  

  • I think Stacey needs to add key lime tarts to this feast. We can sneak all this in; we can put it in a tote bag and I'll cover it with yarn.

    By Blogger Roe, At 3:00 PM  

  • I don't care anymore! I'll deliberately eat in everyone's face while ordering the movie ticket. LOL. It's way too costly to go to the movies nowadays.

    By Blogger P, At 4:56 PM  

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